WP 3 : Lipids and bacterial endotoxins in inflammatory diseases

WP 3 : Lipids and bacterial endotoxins in inflammatory diseases | Responsable : David Masson

The main goals of this axis are to assess the effects of lipids, and lipoprotein metabolism, as well as the impact of bacterial LPS translocation and its neutralization by lipoproteins in different chronic or acute inflammatory diseases.

Endotoxins or lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are major components of the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria, they are at the origin of the inflammatory response linked to numerous pathologies. Some therapeutic strategies currently evaluated are aimed at controlling inflammation by blocking the synthesis and activity of cytokines. Another field of research is explored by the LipSTIC labex: lipoproteins can promote the return of LPS to the liver to allow their detoxification and elimination. In this axis , the involment of LPS will be evaluated in several pathologies related to renal transplantation, colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. In parallel, we will also consider the role of newly identified pro-inflammatory lipids (e.g., oxidized phospholipids, like OxPAPC; ) as well as pro-resolving lipid mediators (resolvins and protectins) and the impact of cellular lipid metabolism (phospholipid remodelling, fatty acid oxidation) in different inflammatory diseases (allo- and autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and sepsis).

Main objectives :

  • To assess the effects of lipids, and lipoprotein metabolism in inflammatory diseases.
  • To assess the impact of bacterial LPS translocation and its neutralization by lipoproteins in different chronic or acute inflammatory diseases.
  • To investigate reverse LPS transport and the interactions between LPS and lipoproteins using bimodal labelling of endotoxins and lipoproteins

Les équipes concernées :

UMR1098 Interactions Hôte-Greffon-Tumeur/Ingénierie Cellulaire et Génique

Autoimmunité, Transplantation, Inflammation (ATI)


Lipness (lipid and lipid transfer in sterile and septic inflammation

UMR1231 Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer

Physiopathologie des dyslipidémies – PADYS
